Kladruber Horse building kits for the National Czech & Slovakian Museum and Library
This building kit was inspired by the rare and majestic national horse breed, the KLADRUBER horse. The building kit was designed especially or the National Czech & Slovakian Museum and Library in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Congratulations to Sarah Jane Wick, Director of the Museum Store, and her staff for being named Museum Store of the Year by the Museum Store Association! Members of the museum receive a discount on items purchased in the store.
Kladruber stallion Generale Ariosa XLVIII-4. Photo courtesy of owner Petra Simms Sekerkova, Woodside, California, USA
Dinosaur building kits now at SFMOMA
Playful dinosaur building kits now available in the SFMOMA store in San Francisco and the the SFMOMA store at SF Int' Airport. Members of the museum receive a discount on items purchased in the store.
Mondriaanhuis Museum Shop
The Mondriaanhuis in Amersfoort is located in the house Piet Mondrian was born in. The newly renovated museum shows Piet Mondrian's life journey through a number of interesting exhibits that mix new and old display techniques. The bright museum store offers an array of Mondrian-inspired products including Creative Playware's winestoppers, magnetic paperclip holders and jewelry.

Creative Playware jewelry now available in the STEDELIJK Museum Shop
Founded in 1895, STEDELIJK Museum Amsterdam is the largest museum of modern and contemporary art in the Netherlands. If you are visiting Amsterdam, make sure to check out its wonderful, contemporary art collections, and the easy-to-navigate museum store, where you will find my entire line of 'de STIJL'-inspired jewlery.
Now available at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Creative Playware products are now available at the beautifully curated Gemeentemuseum Den Haag museum store.
The museum in The Hague is the home of the world's largest Mondrian collection and De Stijl collection, is at the heart of the 'Mondrian to Dutch Design' centennial celebrations in the Netherlands, with more than 300 works of art on display.
De Stijl 100 years
The De Stijl masters have had a profound influence on my work as a designer. In 2017 the De Stijl art, design and architecture movement celebrated one hundred years. Exhibitions and events under the theme 'Mondrian to Dutch Design' was held around the Netherlands to celebrate the achievements and continuing relevance of Piet Mondrian and De Stijl masters.
Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center
Next time in San Francisco, make sure to visit the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center in the Presidio. This gem, not known to many locals, is well worth a visit. The modern, tastefully designed store is a must-visit for many tourists, but locals can also find high quality gifts for friends and family - all with a San Francisco flair.
Creative Playware is excited to announce that new key charms and the magnetic paper clip holder in the shape of the Golden Gate Bridge developed in cooperation with the Golden Gate Park Conservancy are now available at The Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center. If you decide to stop by the store, tell them Kristina sent you!
You can also purchase Golden Gate magnetic paper clip holder here.
Creative Playware's PIET wine stopper and PIET paperclip holder are available for purchase at the SFMOMA store in San Francisco and the the SFMOMA store at SF Int' Airport.
by many to be one of the best curated museum stores in the United States, Kristina is truly honored to have her designs sold at the two locations.
If you live in, or are visiting San Francisco, make sure not to miss the expanded SFMOMA that opened to the public in May 2016.
Members of the museum receive a discount on items purchased in the store.
Store locations:
151 Third Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
SFMOMA SF Int' Airport
International terminal